Sunday, March 16, 2014

Back in upstate New York

I'm back in Saratoga Springs, New York after vacationing in Florida for a week.  The weather was gorgeous on the beach and really couldn't have asked for anything better.  Even the day the weathermen predicted a chance of rain turned out to be a nice day.  The temperatures were in the upper 70's most of the time, sometimes in the low 80's.  We spent much of the day walking the beach or the surrounding streets close by, and also hanging out by the pool.  I went in the Gulf of Mexico a few times and tried to look for shells but the shelling wasn't very good compared to other years.  The starfish were new this year though.  I did find a few shells which I posted in my last entry and I brought those home with me.  We also played miniature golf one night at a place called Jungle Golf.  I haven't played in a couple years so that was a lot of fun.

Being back in upstate New York is a little bit of a shock since when you're in Florida you don't want to leave the nice weather.  There was a storm during the middle of the week which brought some snow and ice to upstate New York so I knew there would be about the same amount of snow on the ground.  I was hoping the snow base would be lower but it looks about the same.  I usually enjoy snowstorms in the winter, however the lasting cold this winter and the bouts of snow every now and then has left me no choice but to hope for springtime weather.  At least it looks like there will be moderating temperatures by the middle of the week.  We'll take 40 degree weather, and hope for 50 and then 60!

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